
1.5 kg of pork mince
1 large onion – chopped
Salt – to taste
Black pepper – 5 g
Summer savory/parsley
Oil (if frying)
Barbecue/grill oven
or frying pan (if frying)
Before you begin – note the portions are relative as some people can eat the whole 1.5 kg by themselves – Michael and Robert for example 🙂
1. Prepare the ingredients, chop the onion finely, grind the black pepper (yes you should grind pepper corns, don’t use ready-ground pepper, it ruins the taste). Summer savory is a herb that is from the oregano family, but it’s not as strong. If you don’t have this you can use fresh chopped parsley instead.
2. Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly until the mixture becomes springy.
3. Make the meatballs about the size of your palm and flatten them to about 1 cm thick.
4. Barbecue these for about 10 min on each side on high heat. Don’t overcook them, they need to be juicy. The 20 min cooking time relates to one batch on the bbq.
5. Serve with home-made chips or, if you want to be healthy, with any of your favourite salads.
And just a suggestion – do not top with tomato sauce, so un-Bulgarian
Note: You can also grill these in the oven or alternatively fry them in a frying pan with a little oil but barbecue is best!
Quick explanation of the name:
Kiufte (кюфте) is the singular and kiufteta (кюфтета) is the plural.